So I have a new passion that I feel I need to let everyone in on! You have seen the crazy coupon people at the grocery store. Well I have joined them.... I know what some of you are thinking remember I worked in grocery store for 11 years! I have tried before, but found that the not name brand things were cheaper than using a coupon. Plus as a former customer service person I hated couponers! I hated the big adds that I now live for, but with one income and three boys in the house I need to save on the grocerys!
Then I found this web site she tells you what coupons to use and were to use them! She also tells you the percent you save and how much it is after the coupon! Last week I went to Albertson's and spent $51.49 my saving were $107.58. I got cereal for 0.25 cents a box and free milk! Then I went and bought the few items I needed at Smith's and saved 70%. At Rite Aid I bought tooth brushes for 25 cents! And it's not one of the sites that you pay for it is FREE. All you do is buy the Sunday paper for the coupons and she emails you every Monday and Wednesday with the sales and what coupons to use! I am pretty sure that you don't need to be in Utah county to use this site, as long as you have the major grocery stores around, since at least for Albertson's the weekly add is regional (Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona). And the coupons I believe are national! I checked out the Grocery Guru too, but from what I saw he only did Albertson's and wasn't as detailed as the savvy shopper! I just click on what I need and then I can print out the list of where to go, what coupons to use! So simple!!! It has changed my view on the couponers! Hopefully some of you will find this useful and find the fun in the addiction!